Fakemon Wiki

Complete Pokémon Battle Fire Pokédex. (Gen 9) and conditions. The (Vola region)

A complete, downloadable PDF version of the Vola region can be found here

1 Pheagle (Fire/Flying)

2 Phoenixcreast (Fire/Flying)

3 Taurgle (Fire/Fighting)

4 Cravia (Grass/Ground)

5 Zeep (Grass/Dragon)

6 Sandra (Ground/Dragon)

7 Twing (Water/Electric)

8 Twingle (Water/Electric)

9 Megar (Water/Steel)

10 Meerchamp  (Fighting)

11 Hydax (Rock)

12 Creebat (Flying)

13 Flyhog (Ground/Flying)

14 Draxtal (Dragon/Dark)

15 Opiki (Steel/Poison)

16 Budbie (Fairy)

17 Bugbie (Psychic/Rock)

18 Pilu (Normal)

19 Pillowi ( Normal/Fairy)

20 Pigpig (Grass/Dark)

21 Shieldie (Steel/Ghost)

22 Shielden (Steel/Ghost)

23 Spookrow (Flying/Ghost)

24 Dragosine (Fairy/Dragon)

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The fire starter is first

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